All courses include all required NRA documentation, instructor guides, wall charts, sample student packets, three ring binders, range time, instruction and follow up support. You will receive everything needed to first take and then teach each course. Note: There will be processing fees to the NRA due on the class date(s)Fee(s) start at $5.00 and are determined by how many and which courses you attend.
Basic Instructor - This course teaches you the policies and procedures for becoming an NRA instructor as well as effective teaching methods for training students. Basic Instructor is a pre-requisite for all instructor level courses and is a one time only course. Basic Instructor is a 6-hour course with a class fee of $85.00.
Basic Pistol Instructor - This is an 11 hour course for experienced pistol shooters who are interested in becoming instructors. The class fee for this course is $150.00 (This course is required to become a NC or SC Concealed Carry Instructor)